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Modern Industrial Living Room Transformation | Brother vs. Brother | HGTV

Brother vs. Brother compete to see who has the best family home, both look amazing!
#HGTV #BrotherVsBrother #LivingRoomRemodel

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  1. I like the first house better but I'd rather live in the second one, because I don't want to be going up and down stairs all day. I think the second house's fireplace in the corner is not a great design though.

  2. In the 1st house, l would have covered the beams with brushed steel. Liked it best. The 2nd house, l didn't get at all. No focal point, just loud, ugly stuff mashed into corners. I'd need those folding doors to the pool-nice-to get out of there!

  3. yep heavenly view was nice but i also think the decoration did the trick who ever did the colourful house did such a bad job. the first one looked classy and elegant the second like you walked into a early 2000's tv show.


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