How to Install a Moen MotionSense Kitchen Faucet

Moen made every effort to ensure MotionSense is quick and straightforward to install. All connections are clearly labeled. No complicated subassembly is required, no electrician is needed. MotionSense is powered by a battery back, but offers the option of an AC adapter. Under-cabinet controls allow you to easily adjust the desired preset water temperature of the hands-free mode.

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  1. man people are getting too lazy to even turning the lever????…..I would think crawling under the sink to change the batter would be more of a PITA…..Someone said Luckily the faucet works manually with batteries installed. So when the power goes out/batteries die it doesn't work?

  2. Thanks for this video. Misplaced the installation instruction, so this saved me time in trying to find them.
    BTW, love this unit since I installed it two weeks ago.
    Especially love the Turn On sensor at the top of the unit!

  3. Really? i was about to buy the ARLO unit but this video discouraged me to do it. Who wants all those boxes, cables and whatnot underneath he sink? also batteries? wow

  4. So this is for every MotionSense touchless kitchen faucet, right? Because I don’t think we have the one you had in the video. I’ve been researching how to install one of these faucets. Already through with quora and healthykitchen101. Now I’m on reddit and I just wanna make certain of everything before I begin.

  5. How do you adjust the sensitivity? I recently changed my batteries and the unit comes on when someone stands in front of the sink. Is that a sign that the module needs to be replaced?


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