Woodworking DIY Project – Installing Crown Molding on a Cabinet

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Woodworking DIY Project – Nothing dresses up a cabinet like crown molding. The best way to fasten the molding is with glue and brad nails. Check out these tricks for keeping your crown molding installation neat and professional looking.

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  1. Wow…you talk a lot and don't say anything useful. I'm not being mean, but you don't address any of the basics, like what angle are the cuts? How do you measure FOR THE CUTS?? Please don't assume everyone who watches your videos know what they are doing, because I for one do not. That's why I watched your video.

  2. Nice video. The critical commenters are missing the point that this isn't about how to cut miters, it's about how to attach the cornice securely. One comment: I was taught to size end grain when gluing up because the end grain draws moisture from the glue and weakens the bond. So, best practice is to apply glue to end grain, let it soak but not dry, then reapply. What that means here is that I'd probably apply glue to the end grain on the miters (both halves) as the very first thing and also along the gussets, then apply along the length of the cornice. When the long glue line is brushed out, I'd then go back and hit at least the miter end grain again , at least lightly. It shouldn't run onto the cabinet face. I'd probably hit the tops of the gusset miters too.

    The one question I have is, why not do the gussets afterwards? You'd be able to push them up against the cornice to locate them exactly.


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