How to Remove Toilet…Draining the Toilet & Scoring Caulking & Removing Toilet Bolt Caps
How to remove a one piece toilet…draining the toilet & scoring the caulking & removing the toilet bolt caps is what this DIY howto video is about. VideoJoe is getting ready to remove a one piece toilet but there are a few things he needs to do before he can actually remove the one piece toilet from the floor. Of course he needs to turn the water valve off & flush & drain the toilet to get as much water out of the toilet tank & toilet bowl as he can. Then he needs to dis-connect the water line coming into the one piece toilet. Now he’s got to take a look at the one piece toilet base to see if it’s been caulked down to the floor. If it has then he will need to take a sharp sheetrock knife & score score score the caulking the best he can, all the way around the toilet base. Is he ready to remove the one piece leaking toilet now? No. He’s got to remove the toilet caps over the toilet bolts that hold the toilet down to the floor. Carefully remove the toilet bolt caps as you may re-use those toilet bolt caps. Now he can remove the toilet bolt nuts & the backing plate piece for the toilet bolt caps. Whew. Now I think he can remove the one piece toilet. Step by step I think you can remove your leaking one piece toilet too. Removing a leaking one piece toilet is easy…when you know how. Watch & learn as VideoJoeShows you how to remove a one piece leaking toilet when it comes time to drain the toilet, score the floor caulking at base of toilet, & removing the toilet bolt caps & nuts. Easy!

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