How To Install A Floating Wall System
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Shannon from shows you how to install a floating wall system. It is common to use this building technique in basements in our area. See our other videos for information on framing and other framing and construction topics.
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Bathroom basement
There are two walls existing one wall is for a bedroom on one side
the other is wall separating from outside
we have a door
framing in between where bathroom should go and the laundry space by the living room in basement
we would like to drywall the wall in between bathroom and laundry space and water heater
so one wall to dry wall
do we need a floating wall there? – in existing framing
thank you,
my basement gets moisture up from the floor. we have sealed the floors and walls with a latex concrete sealer and would like to finish the rest of the basement. (stud and drywall the walls and possibly do some sort of floor other than latex paint) do yo have any suggestions on what to do when it comes to certain types of wood for the studs as well as a sub floor? we are hoping that the latex sealant has taken care of the moisture problem but can never be too sure.
What happens to the drywall when the wall starts shifting up & down?
Not s good framing
Not good framing
Can you clarify what you mean by strip at the bottom to make sure basetrim sits straight? Where are you attaching that? I’d love to see a Drywall install with trim out on the floating floor.
Works well in corner but what about straight?
We dont have blue wood in The Peoples Republic of California. No fungus problem here but we sure do have termites to no end so Im surprised its not part of the building code. Our lame government probably doesn't want wood with insecticides in it or they are protecting the "endangered termites, california's new state bird!
They are really "Hovering" Walls"!