How to Grow Vegetables in the Desert | Ask This Old House

Ask This Old House landscape contractor Roger Cook creates a water-efficient waffle garden. (See below for a shopping list, tools, and steps.)
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Shopping List for How to Grow Vegetables in the Desert:
– Plant seeds
– Coarse sand and compost, to amend the soil

Tools List for How to Grow Vegetables in the Desert:
– Square-blade shovel
– Pickax, to loosen the soil

Steps How to Grow Vegetables in the Desert”
1. Use a square-blade shovel to mark a series of square cells on the ground. Make each cell the width of two shovel blades. Space the individual cells about 12 inches apart.
2. Pile up clay-rich soil around each cell, creating a raised berm. Firmly compact the berms by pounding them flat with the shovel and then walking across them.
3. Use a pickax to break up and loosen the soil within each square cell.
4. Add coarse sand and compost to the loosened soil; mix well.
5. Plant a variety of vegetable seeds within each cell to a depth that’s 1 1/2 times the diameter of each seed.
6. Cover the seeds with the amended soil, then lightly water the entire waffle garden, making sure to soak each cell.

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How to Grow Vegetables in the Desert | Ask This Old House

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  1. The problem will always be too little humidity for greens, as well as scorching winds. I have tried for over 3 years, nothing works, sigh, the harsh reality

  2. I was on pins and needles that those two gents were going to reenact the civil war and take their garden tools to one another. I envisioned the gentleman with the southern drawl to start yelling “The south shall rise again” while the fella with the thick Harvard yard accent shouted “I intend to make Georgia Howl “! Brilliant! Cheers mates!!

  3. Ok this is great and all but with our water shortage, that long hose needs to get picked up and put in the shade every day. Otherwise your putting out about 10 gallons of water trying to cool it off. If you are watering at 4am not a problem. Another issue with that hose is squishing other plants and when it’s 105 F at 8-9am or even 8-9pm who the heck wants to be out watering that waffle? I don’t see it as a good fit for me, I hate our summers and baking in the heat when trying to get my wilted garden to perk up. The heat and sun just make me want to become a cave gardener. Sorry for the Betty-downer, good video 🙂 !


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