Building your own 24’X24′ garage and save money. Steps from concrete to framing.
Step by step pictures of me building a 24X24 garage. If you’re interested in building one yourself, check it out. Clip shows steps involving how to pour footings, walls, floors and framing. Installing trusses, etc. Just for the home builder. I also have “part 2′ online that shows a lot more detail than the original. Check it out if you’d like, and thanks for watching. Steve
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nice job but what if you're too chicken-shit to climb onto a roof?
Great job. Exactly why I want to do my own build. They want big bucks to do this kind of garage.
I'm no construction expert, but seems like major overkill on that foundation for what is. That had to have really increased the cost.
Great job
Nice job.!!!
Asphalt comp shingles
My dad and I built a shed in the back 12×10 and probably 15 feet tall. It also sits off the ground about a foot so water wouldn't rot it. Materials cost me about 1 grand. It's built solid. Much better than the crap you will see at Home Depot for much more less as well.
Did you draw your own plans?
How has it held up and was electrical difficult for you or did you hire someone to do that?