DIY Recessed Wall Cabinet | Extra Fancy Lighting! thumbnail

DIY Recessed Wall Cabinet | Extra Fancy Lighting!

FREE PLANS for The BASIC MOBILE WORKBENCH ►► Recessed wall cabinets are neat. I like recovering the extra storage space in the wall! I made this cabinet out of wood, glass, and aluminum for our bathroom remodel. More info on this project: BATHROOM MAKEOVER PLAYLIST ► AD-FREE PROJECT VIDEOS ► __ WWMM…
How To Organize Your Room! Organization Hacks, DIY and more! thumbnail

How To Organize Your Room! Organization Hacks, DIY and more!

How to Organize your room for the new year! Step by step, DIYs and Life Hacks that will help you declutters yo nasty room! These tips have really helped me. I highly recommend the book "Do Less". I am not a minimalist, but I'm incorporating minimalism habits into my life to help me keep organized…