Tig Welding Thin Aluminum

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for a more detailed article on Tig welding thin aluminum go here http://goo.gl/QQZyRc This weeks video is on tig welding thin aluminum in the 1mm or .040″ thickness range. You can go pretty thin with 3/32″ if you sharpen it but in order to get the best results, Tig welding thin aluminum requires use of smaller electrodes and filler wire.
For this video, I used 2% lanthanated 1/16″ electrodes (1.6mm) and same size filler wire. I would have preferred a smaller filler wire but I just didnt have any on hand.

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  1. Hi im new to tig welding and alloy welding is my reason for it. can you tell me what i may be doing wrong, im trying to weld some 1mm thick alloy but instead of forming a puddle it just seems to melt the alloy away before it even forms a puddle, im on a frequenceof about 60 but tried up to 200 and still the same and amps up and down from about 40 up to about 120 and still just dose the same thing, also when i try to add a bit of rod it seems to ball up and don't seem to want to add to any bit of a puddle when i do get it to puddle a bit.the tips im using are red tip, my welder is a new Sherman DIGITIG 200GD 200A AC/DC MMA IGBT Inverter Pulse Welder. please help im stressing out.

  2. Hello all, and first of all, great video thanks fo the share, And Second, Nice to see that it works with 60hz on thin aluminum also, because all the 'Tig Thin Aluminum video's' i've watched, were all on very high Hertz.  I've just bought my Tig inverter 220p (60Hz) and  when welding 1mm steel and stainless there is no problem, both weld great on very low amperage and that's exactly why i needed this AC inverter but than to weld thin aluminum.. HOWEVER…  i'm unable to get a pudle,, eather i dont get it or turn Amperage up and i blow thru the material. (Using 2% ceriated Tungsten, they were the only one's availible where i ordered the TIG inverter. I've ordered blue red and purple thungsten now also. When i get an 10mm piece of aluminum and turn the amperage up, no problem, great pudle, great welds, but thats not why i bought the Tig to begin with.. im looking forward to, and appreciate everyone's input here. Thanks in advange!.

  3. Hello, I'm looking to buy a everlast tig welder and would like your opinion on the 200DV and 250EX. I'v been welding for a few years with the miller syncrowave 180 SD sold it and looking for a smaller in size welder..Thank You

  4. Thanks so much for the information, I’ll be watching these videos over and over again when I get a machine, just playing around with an old Miller mig machine we have at work, does a really good job in my option but I’m not a pro. I did teach the young guys how to weld with it hoping they’d quit bothering me to weld things for them, nuts onto broken bolts and studs etc., although I do enjoy it, just cuts into my pay.

  5. When you got burned i felt the pain but Im sorry but what you did after made me lmao. I understood the reason of why you did it. Just wasn’t expecting it.


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