How I made my own $180 Android Tablet – Homemade Android Tablet build

Ever wanted to build your own tablet?. In this video, I will show you how to build an Android tablet for under $180 with a Raspberry Pi, touchscreen display, and Emteria OS.

Video contents:-
1. Required Components for the Android Tablet build: 0:20
2. Emteria OS introduction: 1:40
3. Emteria OS user account setup: 3:04
4. Emteria OS installer download and installation: 5:08
5. Emteria Android OS installer setup: 6:30
6. Raspberry Pi 7 inch Touch screen assembly: 8:21
7. Raspberry Pi assembly: 9:28
8. @Raspberry Pi 7 inch display case assembly: 10:40
9. Finished build and Emteria OS first boot: 11:08
10. Emteria Android OS basic setup: 12:10

Emteria OS is an @Android DevelopersDevelopers-basedsoftware platform for embedded systems.
Get Emteria Android operating system:

Purchase Required Components:
1. Raspberry Pi 3B+ board: or Raspberry Pi 3B board:
2. Raspberry Pi 7-inch Touch Screen Display:
3. SanDisk Ultra 32GB Micro SDHC card:
4. Raspberry Pi 7-Inch LCD Touch Screen Case:
6. Raspberry Pi Dual Fan with Heatsink:
6. Raspberry Pi 5 Volt 2.5 Ampere Power Supply:

#tabletbuild #RaspberryPi #emteriaOS #DIY #YOURTECHEXPERT

How to build an Android tablet at home | Homemade Android tablet | Raspberry Pi tablet

Pinout diagram

Background Music
Elektronomia – Sky High by NCS
Free Download / Stream:

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  1. I made this with the raspbarry 2 and Somehow connected a battery an ngl it was THIN the latop I Payd 40 dollar for everything And sold it for 210 dollar But i did Remove the usbs so it was thinner


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